Dressing skills

Life’s a beach; the swimwear market has never looked more chic

For the first time, Kornit Digital specifically discussed the advantages of digital and direct fabric printing for the WishPLM, using a popular example: swimwear. Kornit Digital develops, manufactures and markets industrial and commercial printing solutions for the apparel, apparel and textile industries.

So, you are a rock star swimwear designer. Your thoughts are full of ideas, and your brain is full of creativity. You are ready to make a strong fashion statement. In every corner of your life, it will hit you, sometimes from the most unexpected sources: the magazines you read at the barbershop, the high-quality patterns you just saw in the clothing store, and even your favorite lunch plate. Bright color restaurant. When you live in textile and fashion life, inspiration is everywhere.

Until recently, your inspiration was influenced by several well-known fashionistas who led the market and decided today, with social media making fashion easy to open and open to everyone, no specific Limited fashion tone makers. Anyone can become an icon and influence your design. A famous actress who spreads his ideas to millions of online bloggers or a newest stylist who shares her latest look on Instagram can have a greater impact on today’s designs. When we consume our fashion in new ways, technology needs to adapt. Although digital printing technology is not new, it is so useful and adaptable to the new fast fashion market. Fashion used to be controlled by the long print cycle specified by the printing manufacturer. The typical cycle from start to finish takes an average of 8 months! It may take only 8 days or less today!

Every summer, swimwear designs and trends are determined in the winter and even in the fall of the previous year. Designers must “guess” fashion trends, colors, patterns and fabrics one year in advance. How do you know ahead of time what can dominate swimwear fashion? Are your assumptions this year still relevant or outdated this year?

Fortunately, you no longer have to worry about these dilemmas. The times have changed. Technology, cultural change and social media have had a huge impact on the swimwear market, making your wildest designs instantly a reality.

[Swimwear design by Magrafti Odelia, student, Shenkar – Engineering, Design, Art.  Printed by: Kornit Digital]

First, let’s take a look at the life cycle of the swimwear collection. The biggest challenge in providing fashion trends is to transform printing technology from mass production to mass customization, a challenge that will not be outdated until it emerges. This move has greatly shortened the production cycle, shortening from 6-12 months to just a few days, and small batch printing and even personalized design are becoming more and more popular. Design, production and final garments are all completed in the country, eliminating the need to pre-plan inventory at overseas sites. Inventory and shipping costs are cut. With a direct fabric printer on site, you can print fabrics on the same day you cut them. You can even print patterns directly on the fabric. There is no need to predict trends or risk falling into a multi-billion dollar backlog. Limited editions and even single prints enable fashionistas, designers, retailers and print manufacturers to respond to the most insane real-time needs.

Start to feel the infinite possibilities? What is the unique palette combination you want to express in the new collection? sunset? Ocean tones? Tropical flowers? Or how about a flamingo bikini and a pineapple swimsuit? With digital printing you can combine them all together!

Culture plays an important role in the swimwear fashion revolution. First of all, people no longer wait for the summer to wear a swimsuit. There is no such thing as a “swimwear season.” The year is “swimwear season” because consumers’ holiday habits are no longer limited to one season. When people buy swimwear all year round, can you really plan ahead? This “habit change” and usability expansion – you can now buy swimwear at any clothing store – has contributed to the steady growth of this market. When people consume culture through social media, we enter an era where people pay more attention to their appearance and demand more style and fast fashion.

[Swimwear design by Sharaby Itamar, student, Shenkar – Engineering, Design, Art.  Printed by: Kornit Digital]


Social media has changed the way we consume fashion. Retailers focus on fashion leaders on social media to get inspiration from their product lines and maintain ongoing dialogue with their customers, especially on Instagram – a forum where brands can motivate customers and customers to motivate brands. This truly reflects how much fashion industry has been shaken by social media, and we are seeing a reshaping of the entire industry.

The new consumer-oriented market has forced manufacturers to move from pre-planned mass production to demand-driven mass customization and has succeeded in all areas of the textile market. Designers are now free to develop a limited edition swimwear collection inspired by the colors and patterns of the surrounding beaches, landmarks and wildlife. In addition, as the emergence of e-commerce into the printing world, online swimwear companies are becoming more and more popular. As designers continue to expand their product choices, the entire buying experience has changed, and customers can now choose a clothing design with the click of a button.

Chic, colorful and infinite design expressions and simple instant production possibilities have an impact on the swimwear market.

Think of the swimsuit business? When you enter this path, digital printing directly to the fabric can simplify your approach. A cost-effective production process with short runs, you can quickly respond to any real-time trends and create any number of styles you want to design!

You can upload your colored flamingo swimsuit to your online store so that your customers can choose and order their flamingos to reach their door the next day?

[Header image designed and printed by Kornit Digital.]


Hi, Everyone! I'm Natalie. I live in LA. I am a freelancer. I love sharing my thought about this world on my blog post. Thanks for taking time to read my article. CONTACT: [email protected]

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